Last night Dan and I finished watching the movie, Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden. The basic premise is this: Morgan Spurlock found out he is becoming a father and he starts realizing what a crazy place this world is. He knows that in all the action movies, it ends up being one man who does what a whole government cannot. With that in mind, he begins his mission to make the world a safer place for his coming little one by setting out to find Osama Bin Laden.
The movie was entertaining, yet quite sobering. It sparked much conversation and provoked many emotions in me- fear, anger, sadness, and confusion among others. Dan patiently let me vent as I tried to express as best as I could how disturbing it all is...the affairs of our government (and wrestling with what to believe and what not to believe), the state of unrest among so many counties in the Middle East, how so many are living in such squalor, the devastating effects of war(s), etc. I was left so worked up and overwhelmed about what my role is to be in this vast, broken world. THERE IS JUST SO MUCH NEED. What role does the Lord desire me to play on the local, national, and international levels. I have been given so much and I want to give myself away, but what the heck does that look like?
I don't know, but with Dan, I went to God and invited Him into my fears, my confusions, my grief. He is over all and in the end, He will have the last word. How much peace that brings to my heart in this world of sinful men, corruption, and unknowns. What I do not know is how men and women can live life without knowledge of a loving, all-powerful God being over all. Talk about stress and cause for depression!
Dan and I are still left haunted and quite uncomfortable with our new knowledge. The upcoming elections have us quite uncomfortable, too. Is one candidate better than another? Would Jesus be a polical activist? Is the political arena somewhere I should spend my time?
We will continue to wrestle with these things...and invite God into them as we seek understanding and heart that are modeled after His.
Looks like a very interesting movie. Steve and I are now intrigued to watch it. I, too, understand what you are feeling and thinking. Working at JFP for all of those years opened my eyes to the deplorable state of our world--it was all those stories I read about persecution mostly. I love that you are having these discussions and allowing God to open your eyes and heart to the reality all around us. Scary and sad stuff. Once we watch the movie, we'd love to discuss it with you guys. Let's do it face to face in Bishop! ;)
ang, this is so well written; you expressed yourself wonderfully. this movie indeed sounds intruiging and i bet it will spark the same emotions for me as well. so often i get in my "i want to save the world moments" as aron calls them and it can be quite overwhelming when confronting the grief and suffering around the world, esp. when we know so little on this side of the continent. i wish i had the answers. i think it's about giving back in our communities and when we can, going and doing things globally. i'm still trying to figure it all out, too! :)
I'm glad your husband shared your emotions with you Angel. I do not claim to know either which candidate is better, or even which to vote for. I could say so much, but much to long for a comment...
Not sure if I have heard of this movie. And, not sure if I will watch it. :) Glad that you and your husband can share your feelings with each other. We definitely do live in a troubled world [to put it mildly]. I am voting or the person that best suits my beliefs. And that is McCain. Thanks for sharing. How is married life?
Thanks for the comments ladies. I have found that talking (or in this case, blogging) with others is so helpful as we all look at the world through different eyes and I am able to learn as I listen. The world of blogging is so nice for this purpose.
Thank you!
Where is Angel?!
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