Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Master Plan

I don't know about you, but "the master plan" for my life is always being modified in ways that I would have never guessed. Sometimes I am fine with the detours. Other times I am left feeling disappointed or confused or angry.

Five years ago, I would have thought that at this point in my life, I would be married and loving my career and maybe thinking about kidlets. None of these are the current reality, however, and I am learning (slowly it seems) how it really looks to embrace today. To embrace and run with all that has been entrusted to me. This type of living takes a lot of trust. Trusting in God's goodness and timing and provision...not always the most natural thing for me.

The current master plan has me resigning my teaching position so that I can go back to school full time to study clinical psychology. As I set out on this new journey, I find myself feeling excitement, mixed with fear. Is this really where God is directing? Am I being irresponsible? I guess as I continue to talk with God and my core community, I may decide that the master plan could use some work, but I am coming to expect that now. :)


The McKays said...

I hear you, Ang; that's usually how I find my life quite often, taking steps in one direction, then correcting as He shows me. Must admit, though, I'm super excited about this new adventure in life for you.

And, love the pic. Sonia looks so beautiful.

angelina joy said...

Thank you, Suz, for your sweet encouragement. My courage to step ahead is increased as I see people in my core community supporting this decision. Thank you.

Sheyb said...

Sonia... Your LITTLE SISTER????? OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful, and not little anymore! hahaha! I can't believe it! I haven't seen you in WAY too long! :)

I know the Lord will lead you in the right direction! :) I am encouraged by your faith in trusting Him. :) It's lesson for many of us to *keep the faith*. :) Can't wait to be updated on what you do. :) Loving the posts! Keep 'em comin!

Steve, Shan & Jacob said...

Hi friend--thanks for being so open and honest. I'm really proud of you for taking this huge step of faith--even though you don't know all that lies ahead, you are stepping out. It's scary and exciting and faith-stretching. You know I'm praying for ya.