Jacob, my nephew, came in with the biggest earnings...somewhere around $35!
Yes, Trevor, my nephew who is almost 18, and Chris, my nephew who is 15, are still participating in the egg hunt. 

Ava Jane's big brother, Jeremiah. Jeremiah will turn 4 this month. I think he was more into the candy than the cash.

Danica. She is such a beauty at 14.

I was sick with a cold, so I had to keep my distance, but, let me tell you, it was SO hard. I was so jealous when Elijah fell asleep in Dan's arms.

On Easter morning, Dave, Dan and I climbed a mountain behind Dave's house that gave us quite a view of the city.
The strip is difficult to see, but it is on the horizon above Dan's melon.
A fitting find considering it was Easter.
Yeah for good memories.
My niece, Ava Jane. She turned 1 this month. What a cutie!
Ava Jane's big brother, Jeremiah. Jeremiah will turn 4 this month. I think he was more into the candy than the cash.
Danica. She is such a beauty at 14.
Over the Easter weekend, Dan and I traveled to Las Vegas...not your typical Easter destination, I know. Dan's big brother, Dave, and sister in law, Lisa, live there. They just had a baby boy last month, and we were eager to meet our new nephew. Elijah James Wilcut makes nephew #5 for us. We had a great time just relaxing at their house and getting to know the incredible blessing that is Elijah.
Uncle Dan.
I was sick with a cold, so I had to keep my distance, but, let me tell you, it was SO hard. I was so jealous when Elijah fell asleep in Dan's arms.
On Easter morning, Dave, Dan and I climbed a mountain behind Dave's house that gave us quite a view of the city.
The strip is difficult to see, but it is on the horizon above Dan's melon.
A fitting find considering it was Easter.
Yeah for good memories.