Jacob, my nephew, came in with the biggest earnings...somewhere around $35!
Yes, Trevor, my nephew who is almost 18, and Chris, my nephew who is 15, are still participating in the egg hunt. 

Ava Jane's big brother, Jeremiah. Jeremiah will turn 4 this month. I think he was more into the candy than the cash.

Danica. She is such a beauty at 14.

I was sick with a cold, so I had to keep my distance, but, let me tell you, it was SO hard. I was so jealous when Elijah fell asleep in Dan's arms.

On Easter morning, Dave, Dan and I climbed a mountain behind Dave's house that gave us quite a view of the city.
The strip is difficult to see, but it is on the horizon above Dan's melon.
A fitting find considering it was Easter.
Yeah for good memories.
My niece, Ava Jane. She turned 1 this month. What a cutie!
Ava Jane's big brother, Jeremiah. Jeremiah will turn 4 this month. I think he was more into the candy than the cash.
Danica. She is such a beauty at 14.
Over the Easter weekend, Dan and I traveled to Las Vegas...not your typical Easter destination, I know. Dan's big brother, Dave, and sister in law, Lisa, live there. They just had a baby boy last month, and we were eager to meet our new nephew. Elijah James Wilcut makes nephew #5 for us. We had a great time just relaxing at their house and getting to know the incredible blessing that is Elijah.
Uncle Dan.
I was sick with a cold, so I had to keep my distance, but, let me tell you, it was SO hard. I was so jealous when Elijah fell asleep in Dan's arms.
On Easter morning, Dave, Dan and I climbed a mountain behind Dave's house that gave us quite a view of the city.
The strip is difficult to see, but it is on the horizon above Dan's melon.
A fitting find considering it was Easter.
Yeah for good memories.
So cute! What a fun easter you guys had. And, I'm a little jealous that you guys have so many nieces and nephews (yet grateful that my bro and sis haven't procreated, as that would not be good!)
Happy Spring to you Angel.
Elijah is so adorable! I'm glad you were able to spend some good quality time with them. Cool shots from the top of the mountain. And I can't believe how big Ava Jane is! She is a beauty. Love to see pics of the fam.
Yay for Easter egg hunts. I say next year the kids hide all the money filled eggs and we adults get to find them!!! : )
Ang..I love your site. All your pictures are so cute.
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