Apparently one of the English teachers showed the film Freedom Writers in class this week, as several of my students told me that I remind them of the teacher in it. Wanting to find out if this was complimentory or not, I rented it last night to see for myself. I found that not only were my students giving me a wonderful compliment, but they were right!
The experiences of Erin Gruwell do not flawlessly parallel my own, but my goodness, in watching the film, I did feel that I had met a soulmate who understood both internal and literal battles involved in teaching the students of Los Angeles. One of my favorite scenes is Erin's first day of school. As I watched it, I just laughed because I knew EXACTLY how she felt. I wanted to tell her, "It does get better. Just give it time...a lot of time." It's May of my second year and it is only now where I am finally comfortable in my role. There are many days where I even enjoy it.
For those of you that do not know, I teach Algebra to 11th and 12th grade students at a continuation high school in Paramount, CA.
Hey, Ang! Wasn't that movie FANTASTIC??? I loved every minute of that movie!! Hilary Swank plays a great role!! *Super* inspiring movie, and you are a *super* inspiring woman for teaching students in such a hard place! ::GOOD:: for you!!! :)
Thank you so much for all of the really nice compliments!!! :) I do believe that I am a good mother. At least I try. :) Yes, Zoe is a Miracle Baby!!! She was born 10 weeks premature. But is doing great! You can read about her and see pictures of her... just look through my *archives*. :)
Hey, Ang. You can read all about Zoe's birth here...
Just copy and paste the link. :)
Ang, you and I were cut from the same mold as the teachers that we are. I love that we have been able to connect through our adventures. And for the record, I think you are fantastic; you have a desire to see your students excell not only in school, but more importantly in life. Love you!
ang, i gotta see that movie. i still am blown away when i think of what you do mon. through fri. you inspire me!
I thought the same thing when I saw that movie..it TOTALY reminded me of you!!!
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